Starts an export job

Namespace: BrightstarDB.Client
Assembly: BrightstarDB (in BrightstarDB.dll) Version: (


IJobInfo StartExport(
	string store,
	string fileName,
	string graphUri = null,
	RdfFormat exportFormat = null,
	string label = null
Visual Basic
Function StartExport ( 
	store As String,
	fileName As String,
	Optional graphUri As String = Nothing,
	Optional exportFormat As RdfFormat = Nothing,
	Optional label As String = Nothing
) As IJobInfo
Visual C++
IJobInfo^ StartExport(
	String^ store, 
	String^ fileName, 
	String^ graphUri = nullptr, 
	RdfFormat^ exportFormat = nullptr, 
	String^ label = nullptr
abstract StartExport : 
        store : string * 
        fileName : string * 
        ?graphUri : string * 
        ?exportFormat : RdfFormat * 
        ?label : string 
(* Defaults:
        let _graphUri = defaultArg graphUri null
        let _exportFormat = defaultArg exportFormat null
        let _label = defaultArg label null
-> IJobInfo 


Type: System..::..String
The store to export data from
Type: System..::..String
The name of the file in the brightstar\import folder to write to. This file will be overwritten if it already exists.
graphUri (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
The URI of the graph to be exported. If NULL, all graphs in the store are exported.
exportFormat (Optional)
Type: BrightstarDB..::..RdfFormat
The serialization format to use for the exported data. If unspecified or null, export will default to using NQuads format.
label (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
Optional user-friendly label for the job.

Return Value

Type: IJobInfo
A JobInfo instance


If exportFormat specifies a graph format, then all data in the store will be "flattened" into a single graph, this may result in triples being repeated in the exported data and round-tripping will not be possible. Currently only NQuads and NTriples are supported export formats.

See Also