BrightstarDB Client API. Used to connect to a BrightstarDB instance and perform query and update operations.


Public classBrightstarClientException
Base class for client errors reported from Brightstar.
Public classBrightstarRestClient
.NET wrapper for the Brightstar REST API
Public classBrightstarService
Provides access to different clients for interacting with Brightstar stores.
Public classBrightstarStoreIsReadOnlyException
Class of exception raised when an attempt is made to save changes on a BrightstarDB store that is marked as read-only.
Public classBrightstarStoreNotModifiedException
Exception raised when an IfNotModifiedSince parameter is provided to a call to ExecuteQuery and the store has not been updated since the time specified in that parameter.
Public classCachedQueryResult
Object used to cache SPARQL query results.
Public classDataObjectStoreChangeEventArgs
Class for event arguments provided by the SavingChanges event.
Public classDotNetRdfDataObjectContext
An implementation of IDataObjectContext that uses a DotNetRDF ISparqlQueryProcessor for query and an ISparqlUpdateProcessor for update.
Public classDotNetRdfDataObjectContextBase
Base class for implementations of IDataObjectContext that act on DotNetRDF IStorageProvider instances
Public classDotNetRdfStorageProvidersDataObjectContext
A IDataObjectContext that uses one or more underlying IStorageProvider instances to manage RDF data.
Public classDotNetRdfStorageServerDataObjectContext
Public classEmbeddedBrightstarService
An implementation of the Brightstar Service that uses the local filestore.
Public classEmbeddedDataObjectContext
Provides a data object abstraction over an embedded Brightstar store.
Public classPropertyMatchCriteria
Defines a resource property match
Public classRestClientHelper
Provides helper methods for generation and handling B* REST API requests
Public classRestDataObjectContext
DataObjectContext that connects to BrightstarDB over a REST HTTP connection
Public classSparqlDataObjectContext
Public classSparqlResult
Represents the results of running a SPARQL query against a Brightstar store
Public classTransactionPreconditionsFailedException
Exception raised when a transaction does not complete due to one or more precondition triples not matching.
Public classUpdateTransactionData
Structure that encapsulates the data passed in a conditional update transaction
Public classXDocumentSparqlExtensions
Utility methods for working with Sparql results in XDocuments.


Public interfaceIBrightstarService
The main interface for interacting with the Brightstar database.
Public interfaceICommitPointInfo
ICommitPointInfo contains information about a specific commit point.
Public interfaceICommitPointStats
Represents the triple count statistics for a given commit point
Public interfaceIDataObject
DataObject provide a object centric view of data in Brightstar.
Public interfaceIDataObjectContext
The interface for a collection of Brightstar IDataObjectStore.
Public interfaceIDataObjectStore
The interface for accessing and updating data in a Brightstar store using the data object abstraction.
Public interfaceIJobInfo
Information about a Brightstar job.
Public interfaceIStoreStatistics
Represents the triple statistics for a store at a specific commit point.
Public interfaceITransactionInfo
ITransationInfo contains information about a specific transaction.


Public enumerationRefreshMode
An enumeration of values that specify whether property changes made to a collection of persistable objects are kept or replaced with property values from the data source
Public enumerationSignatureType
Enumeration of the types of signature that can be applied to a B* REST API request