Query the store using a SPARQL query

Namespace: BrightstarDB.Client
Assembly: BrightstarDB (in BrightstarDB.dll) Version: (


public Stream ExecuteQuery(
	string storeName,
	string queryExpression,
	IEnumerable<string> defaultGraphUris,
	Nullable<DateTime> ifNotModifiedSince = null,
	SparqlResultsFormat resultsFormat = null,
	RdfFormat graphFormat = null
Visual Basic
Public Function ExecuteQuery ( 
	storeName As String,
	queryExpression As String,
	defaultGraphUris As IEnumerable(Of String),
	Optional ifNotModifiedSince As Nullable(Of DateTime) = Nothing,
	Optional resultsFormat As SparqlResultsFormat = Nothing,
	Optional graphFormat As RdfFormat = Nothing
) As Stream
Visual C++
virtual Stream^ ExecuteQuery(
	String^ storeName, 
	String^ queryExpression, 
	IEnumerable<String^>^ defaultGraphUris, 
	Nullable<DateTime> ifNotModifiedSince = nullptr, 
	SparqlResultsFormat^ resultsFormat = nullptr, 
	RdfFormat^ graphFormat = nullptr
) sealed
abstract ExecuteQuery : 
        storeName : string * 
        queryExpression : string * 
        defaultGraphUris : IEnumerable<string> * 
        ?ifNotModifiedSince : Nullable<DateTime> * 
        ?resultsFormat : SparqlResultsFormat * 
        ?graphFormat : RdfFormat 
(* Defaults:
        let _ifNotModifiedSince = defaultArg ifNotModifiedSince null
        let _resultsFormat = defaultArg resultsFormat null
        let _graphFormat = defaultArg graphFormat null
-> Stream 
override ExecuteQuery : 
        storeName : string * 
        queryExpression : string * 
        defaultGraphUris : IEnumerable<string> * 
        ?ifNotModifiedSince : Nullable<DateTime> * 
        ?resultsFormat : SparqlResultsFormat * 
        ?graphFormat : RdfFormat 
(* Defaults:
        let _ifNotModifiedSince = defaultArg ifNotModifiedSince null
        let _resultsFormat = defaultArg resultsFormat null
        let _graphFormat = defaultArg graphFormat null
-> Stream 


Type: System..::..String
The name of the store to query
Type: System..::..String
SPARQL query string
Type: System.Collections.Generic..::..IEnumerable<(Of <(<'String>)>)>
An enumeration over the URIs of the graphs that will be taken together as the default graph for the query
ifNotModifiedSince (Optional)
Type: System..::..Nullable<(Of <(<'DateTime>)>)>
OPTIONAL : If this parameter is provided and the store has not been changed since the time specified, a BrightstarStoreNotModifiedException will be raised.
resultsFormat (Optional)
Type: BrightstarDB..::..SparqlResultsFormat
OPTIONAL: Specifies the serialization format for the SPARQL results. Defaults to Xml
graphFormat (Optional)
Type: BrightstarDB..::..RdfFormat
OPTIONAL: Specifies the serialization format for RDF graph results. Defaults to RdfXml

Return Value

Type: Stream
A stream containing XML SPARQL result XML


IBrightstarService..::..ExecuteQuery(String, String, IEnumerable<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Nullable<(Of <<'(DateTime>)>>), SparqlResultsFormat, RdfFormat)


System..::..ArgumentNullExceptionIf storeName or queryExpression is NULL
System..::..ArgumentExceptionIf storeName or queryExpression is an empty string
BrightstarDB.Client..::..BrightstarStoreNotModifiedExceptionRaised if the ifNotModifiedSince parameter has a value and the store has not been modified since the specified time.

See Also