Creates a new store.

Namespace: BrightstarDB.Client
Assembly: BrightstarDB (in BrightstarDB.dll) Version: (


public abstract IDataObjectStore CreateStore(
	string storeName,
	Dictionary<string, string> namespaceMappings = null,
	Nullable<bool> optimisticLockingEnabled = null,
	Nullable<PersistenceType> persistenceType = null,
	string updateGraph = null,
	string versionTrackingGraph = null
Visual Basic
Public MustOverride Function CreateStore ( 
	storeName As String,
	Optional namespaceMappings As Dictionary(Of String, String) = Nothing,
	Optional optimisticLockingEnabled As Nullable(Of Boolean) = Nothing,
	Optional persistenceType As Nullable(Of PersistenceType) = Nothing,
	Optional updateGraph As String = Nothing,
	Optional versionTrackingGraph As String = Nothing
) As IDataObjectStore
Visual C++
virtual IDataObjectStore^ CreateStore(
	String^ storeName, 
	Dictionary<String^, String^>^ namespaceMappings = nullptr, 
	Nullable<bool> optimisticLockingEnabled = nullptr, 
	Nullable<PersistenceType> persistenceType = nullptr, 
	String^ updateGraph = nullptr, 
	String^ versionTrackingGraph = nullptr
) abstract
abstract CreateStore : 
        storeName : string * 
        ?namespaceMappings : Dictionary<string, string> * 
        ?optimisticLockingEnabled : Nullable<bool> * 
        ?persistenceType : Nullable<PersistenceType> * 
        ?updateGraph : string * 
        ?versionTrackingGraph : string 
(* Defaults:
        let _namespaceMappings = defaultArg namespaceMappings null
        let _optimisticLockingEnabled = defaultArg optimisticLockingEnabled null
        let _persistenceType = defaultArg persistenceType null
        let _updateGraph = defaultArg updateGraph null
        let _versionTrackingGraph = defaultArg versionTrackingGraph null
-> IDataObjectStore 


Type: System..::..String
The name of the store to create
namespaceMappings (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.Generic..::..Dictionary<(Of <(<'String, String>)>)>
A collection of prefix to URI mappings to enable CURIEs to be used for resource addresses instead of full URIs
optimisticLockingEnabled (Optional)
Type: System..::..Nullable<(Of <(<'Boolean>)>)>
A boolean flag indicating if optimistic locking should be enabled
persistenceType (Optional)
Type: System..::..Nullable<(Of <(<'PersistenceType>)>)>
The type of persistence to use in the newly created store. If not specified, defaults to the value specified in the application configuration file or AppendOnly
updateGraph (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
OPTIONAL: The URI identifier of the graph to be updated with any new triples created by operations on the store. If not defined, the default graph in the store will be updated.
versionTrackingGraph (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
OPTIONAL: The URI identifier of the graph that contains version number statements for data objects. If not defined, the updateGraph will be used.

Return Value

Type: IDataObjectStore
The newly created data object store


IDataObjectContext..::..CreateStore(String, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>), Nullable<(Of <<'(Boolean>)>>), Nullable<(Of <<'(PersistenceType>)>>), String, String)


When creating a new store through this API the default data set used for queries will be automatically set to the single update graph specified by the updateGraph parameter (or the default graph if the parameter is ommitted).

See Also