The BrightstarService type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberGetClient(EmbeddedServiceConfiguration)
Gets a client based on the connection string specified in the configuration.
Public methodStatic memberGetClient(String, EmbeddedServiceConfiguration)
Gets a client based on the connection string parameter
Public methodStatic memberGetClient(ConnectionString, EmbeddedServiceConfiguration)
Gets a client based on the connection string parameter
Public methodStatic memberGetDataObjectContext()()()()
Creates a data object context from a connection string defined in the application configuration
Public methodStatic memberGetDataObjectContext(String)
Creates a data object context from a connection string
Public methodStatic memberGetDataObjectContext(ConnectionString)
Creates a data object context from a connection string
Public methodStatic memberGetRestClient(ConnectionString)
Returns a new REST service client instance constructed from a BrightstarDB connection string
Public methodStatic memberGetRestClient(String, IRequestAuthenticator, ICache)
Returns a new REST service client instance
Public methodStatic memberShutdown
This method should be called when using an embedded Brightstar clients when a program is about to terminate. This ensures all job threads are properly terminated and the application can exit.

See Also