Provides services for in-memory and disk caching in BrightstarDB.


Public classAbstractCache
Abstract base class for Brightstar cache implementations
Public classAbstractCacheEntry
Abstract base class for entries in a AbstractCache
Public classDirectoryCache
A cache implementation that stores cache entries as files
Public classLruCacheEvictionPolicy
A simple least-recently-used cache eviction policy implementation.
Public classMemoryCache
An in-memory implementation of a Brightstar Cache
Public classNullCache
An implementation of the ICache interface that performs no caching.
Public classTwoLevelCache
A cache implementation that wraps two separate caches, one acts as the primary cache (typically a memory cache) and the other provides a secondary cache (typically a large directory cache).


Public interfaceIBinarySerializable
This interface can be implemented by cached objects that want to control their serialization
Public interfaceICache
Interface implemented by a Brightstar Cache
Public interfaceICacheEvictionPolicy
Interface for the policy class used to control cache evictions


Public enumerationCachePriority
Enumeration indicating the priority with which an item is stored in the cache