Execute an update transaction.

Namespace: BrightstarDB.Client
Assembly: BrightstarDB (in BrightstarDB.dll) Version: (


public IJobInfo ExecuteTransaction(
	string storeName,
	string preconditions,
	string deletePatterns,
	string insertData,
	string defaultGraphUri,
	bool waitForCompletion = true,
	string label = null
Visual Basic
Public Function ExecuteTransaction ( 
	storeName As String,
	preconditions As String,
	deletePatterns As String,
	insertData As String,
	defaultGraphUri As String,
	Optional waitForCompletion As Boolean = true,
	Optional label As String = Nothing
) As IJobInfo
Visual C++
virtual IJobInfo^ ExecuteTransaction(
	String^ storeName, 
	String^ preconditions, 
	String^ deletePatterns, 
	String^ insertData, 
	String^ defaultGraphUri, 
	bool waitForCompletion = true, 
	String^ label = nullptr
) sealed
abstract ExecuteTransaction : 
        storeName : string * 
        preconditions : string * 
        deletePatterns : string * 
        insertData : string * 
        defaultGraphUri : string * 
        ?waitForCompletion : bool * 
        ?label : string 
(* Defaults:
        let _waitForCompletion = defaultArg waitForCompletion true
        let _label = defaultArg label null
-> IJobInfo 
override ExecuteTransaction : 
        storeName : string * 
        preconditions : string * 
        deletePatterns : string * 
        insertData : string * 
        defaultGraphUri : string * 
        ?waitForCompletion : bool * 
        ?label : string 
(* Defaults:
        let _waitForCompletion = defaultArg waitForCompletion true
        let _label = defaultArg label null
-> IJobInfo 


Type: System..::..String
The name of the store to modify
Type: System..::..String
NTriples that must be in the store in order for the transaction to execute
Type: System..::..String
The delete patterns that will be removed from the store
Type: System..::..String
The NTriples data that will be inserted into the store.
Type: System..::..String
The URI of the default graph to apply the transaction to.
waitForCompletion (Optional)
Type: System..::..Boolean
If set to true the method will block until the transaction completes
label (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
Optional user-friendly label for the job.

Return Value

Type: IJobInfo
Job Info


IBrightstarService..::..ExecuteTransaction(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String)

See Also