Core classes for binding .NET objects to a BrightstarDB store


Public classBrightstarEntityCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
A generic, dynamically loaded collection of Brightstar EntityFramework objects
Public classBrightstarEntityContext
The base class for Brightstar EntityFramework domain context classes backed by a Brightstar IDataStore client.
Public classBrightstarEntityObject
The base class for the Brightstar Entity Framework's generated domain object classes
Public classBrightstarEntitySet<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Class used to provide access to all domain objects of a particular type from within a domain context object
Public classClassAttributeAttribute
Custom attribute that can be added to an interface to tell the Brightstar Entity Framework to generate a different custom attribute on the generated entity class.
Public classDefaultKeyConverter
A basic implementation of the IKeyConverter interface.
Public classEntityAttribute
Interface attribute that identifies the interface as being an EntityFramework entity type. The optional Identifier property specifies the URI for the entity type. This can be either a relative or an absolute URI. Relative URIs are resolved relative to the base URI specified by the TypeIdentifierPrefixAttribute on the assembly.
Public classEntityContext
The base class for an EntityFramework context
Public classEntityFrameworkException
The base class for BrightstarDB Entity Framework exceptions
Public classEntityKeyChangedException
Class of exception raised when the key properties of an entity have been modified in a way that results in the identity of the entity no longer matching the expected key.
Public classEntityKeyRequiredException
Exception raised when an attempt is made to add an entity to a context without first setting its key properties.
Public classEntityMappingStore
Manages the interface to implementation class mappings, interface to resource type mappings and property to RDF property type mappings required by a EntityContext.
Public classIdentifierAttribute
Property attribute which flags the property that is bound to the resource address
Public classIdentityInfo
Cached identity information structure
Public classIgnoreAttribute
Property attribute that marks those properties defined in an entity interface that should not be implemented in the BrightstarDB entity object. The application is responsible for providing an implementation in a partial class.
Public classInvalidIdentityPropertyException
Class of exception raised by the EntityFramework when processing a property that has been identified as the identity property for the entity but which does not meet the requirements for being an identity property.
Public classInversePropertyAttribute
Attribute applied to an entity property, that specifies the name of the inverse property. The inverse property will be located by examining the property return type of the decorated property.
Public classInversePropertyTypeAttribute
Attribute used to decorate entity interface properties whose value is an inverse arc of a particular property type
Public classLiteralsCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Provides access to a list of literal values attached to a BrightstarEntityObject.
Public classMappingNotFoundException
Exception raised when an entity for a specific .NET type cannot be found
Public classNamespaceDeclarationAttribute
Assembly attribute that specifies a prefix mapping for a namespace
Public classNamespaceDeclarations
Provides an enumeration over the collection of NamespaceDeclarationAttributes found in an assembly, along with convenience methods for serializing them in a number of different syntaxes.
Public classPropertyHint
Provides a mapping hint for a .NET property
Public classPropertyTypeAttribute
Attribute used to decorate entity interface properties whose value is an arc of a particular property type
Public classReflectionMappingException
Class of exception raised when the ReflectionMappingProvider cannot process an entity interface or implementation class.
Public classReflectionMappingProvider
Class for processing one or more assemblies to populate an EntityMappingStore based on the interfaces and attributes found via reflection
Public classRelativeOrAbsoluteIdentifierAttribute
The base class for attributes whose value is a relative or absolute URI identifier
Public classTypeExtensions
Extension class for the Type class
Public classTypeIdentifierPrefixAttribute
Assembly attribute that specifies the default base URI for all PropertyType and Entity attributes
Public classUniqueConstraintViolationException
Class of exception raised when an attempt is made to create a new entity resource in a store with an identifier that matches that of another resource of the same type already in the store.


Public interfaceIBrightstarEntityCollection
A dynamically loaded collection of Brightstar Entity Framework instances
Public interfaceIEntityCollection
The non-generic base for the IEntityCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)> interface
Public interfaceIEntityCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
The interface for a collection of entities that appear as the value of a property on an entity instance
Public interfaceIEntityObject
The base interface implemented by entity framework implementation classes
Public interfaceIEntitySet
This is just a non-generic marker interface for the generic IEntitySet<(Of <(<'T>)>)> interface
Public interfaceIEntitySet<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
The base interface for the collections of entities provided by a EntityContext
Public interfaceIKeyConverter
Interface to be implemented by classes that provide the service of converting a colleciton of key values into a string for use in entity identifiers.


Public enumerationPropertyMappingType
Enumeration that specifies how a .NET property is mapped to the underlying RDF data model