An enumeration of the allowed values for the Type parameter of a connection string.

Namespace: BrightstarDB
Assembly: BrightstarDB (in BrightstarDB.dll) Version: (


public enum ConnectionType
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration ConnectionType
Visual C++
public enum class ConnectionType
type ConnectionType


Member nameValueDescription
Embedded0 Connection type for an embedded connection to a directory
Http1 Obsolete. Connection type for a client connection to a Brightstar server over HTTP
Tcp2 Obsolete. Connection type for a client connection to a Brightstar server over TCP
NamedPipe3 Obsolete. Connection type for a client connection to a Brightstar server over a named pipe
Rest4 Connection type for a client connection to a Brightstar REST endpoint over HTTP or HTTPS
DotNetRdf5 Connection type for a connection to a store through a DotNetRDF configuration. Used only for Data Objects and Entity Framework connections.
Sparql6 Connection type for a connection to a store through SPARQL protocol. Used only for Data Objects and Entity Framework connections.

See Also