Create a request for a new Snapshot job

Namespace: BrightstarDB.Dto
Assembly: BrightstarDB (in BrightstarDB.dll) Version: (


[ObsoleteAttribute("Use the type-safe version of this method that takes a BrightstarDB.Storage.PersistenceType parameter instead")]
public static JobRequestObject CreateSnapshotJob(
	string targetStoreName,
	string persistenceType,
	ulong commitPointId,
	string label = null
Visual Basic
<ObsoleteAttribute("Use the type-safe version of this method that takes a BrightstarDB.Storage.PersistenceType parameter instead")> 
Public Shared Function CreateSnapshotJob ( 
	targetStoreName As String,
	persistenceType As String,
	commitPointId As ULong,
	Optional label As String = Nothing
) As JobRequestObject
Visual C++
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Use the type-safe version of this method that takes a BrightstarDB.Storage.PersistenceType parameter instead")]
static JobRequestObject^ CreateSnapshotJob(
	String^ targetStoreName, 
	String^ persistenceType, 
	unsigned long long commitPointId, 
	String^ label = nullptr
[<ObsoleteAttribute("Use the type-safe version of this method that takes a BrightstarDB.Storage.PersistenceType parameter instead")>]
static member CreateSnapshotJob : 
        targetStoreName : string * 
        persistenceType : string * 
        commitPointId : uint64 * 
        ?label : string 
(* Defaults:
        let _label = defaultArg label null
-> JobRequestObject 


Type: System..::..String
The name of the store that will be created to hold the snapshot
Type: System..::..String
The type of persistence to use for the snapshot store
Type: System..::..UInt64
The commit point of the store to copy into the snapshot
label (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
A user-friendly label for the job

Return Value

Type: JobRequestObject
A new JobRequestObject

See Also