Add a precondition statement to the current context. All precondition statements are evaluated prior to any update being applied.

Namespace: BrightstarDB.Client
Assembly: BrightstarDB (in BrightstarDB.dll) Version: (


void AddPrecondition(
	bool matchExisting,
	string subject,
	string predicate,
	string object,
	string graph = "",
	bool isLiteral = false,
	string datatype = null,
	string language = null
Visual Basic
Sub AddPrecondition ( 
	matchExisting As Boolean,
	subject As String,
	predicate As String,
	object As String,
	Optional graph As String = "",
	Optional isLiteral As Boolean = false,
	Optional datatype As String = Nothing,
	Optional language As String = Nothing
Visual C++
void AddPrecondition(
	bool matchExisting, 
	String^ subject, 
	String^ predicate, 
	String^ object, 
	String^ graph = L"", 
	bool isLiteral = false, 
	String^ datatype = nullptr, 
	String^ language = nullptr
abstract AddPrecondition : 
        matchExisting : bool * 
        subject : string * 
        predicate : string * 
        object : string * 
        ?graph : string * 
        ?isLiteral : bool * 
        ?datatype : string * 
        ?language : string 
(* Defaults:
        let _graph = defaultArg graph ""
        let _isLiteral = defaultArg isLiteral false
        let _datatype = defaultArg datatype null
        let _language = defaultArg language null
-> unit 


Type: System..::..Boolean
If true, then the triple pattern must match an existing triple in the store. If false then the triple pattern must not match an existing triple in the store.
Type: System..::..String
The subject of the triple pattern
Type: System..::..String
The predicate of the triple pattern
Type: System..::..String
The object of the triple pattern
graph (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
The graph identifier of the triple pattern
isLiteral (Optional)
Type: System..::..Boolean
True if the object is a literal value, false if it is a resource URI
datatype (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
The datatype of the literal value
language (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
The language code of the literal value

See Also