Manages the interface to implementation class mappings, interface to resource type mappings and property to RDF property type mappings required by a EntityContext.

Namespace: BrightstarDB.EntityFramework
Assembly: BrightstarDB (in BrightstarDB.dll) Version: (


public class EntityMappingStore
Visual Basic
Public Class EntityMappingStore
Visual C++
public ref class EntityMappingStore
type EntityMappingStore =  class end


This is a singleton instance to allow all entities to access mapping information even when not currently attached to a context. It is therefore important that if multiple contexts are concurrently actvie they all share the same type and property mapping information. This will always be the case using the default ReflectionMappingProvider as the mapping information comes from compile-time type specification.

Change made to a mapping will not affect pre-existing items in the context, it will only affect those items when they are modified or when new items are created or retrieved from a context.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also